Transform Your Home's Energy Efficiency Today!

Discover cutting-edge solutions to revolutionize your home's energy efficiency and save on your bills. Start your journey to a greener, more sustainable future!

Welcome to Tri Sphere Energy, where we specialize in revolutionizing your home’s energy efficiency, comfort, and value. As homeowners ourselves, we understand the importance of creating a space that’s cozy and cost-effective. That’s why we’re excited about this new energy-saving program for Nevada homeowners who are NV Energy customers. Qualified NV Energy customers can take advantage of this program without any out of-pocket costs!
Home efficiency upgrades available to NV Energy customers through this program can include:
30% NV Energy
Rate Discount

Unlock huge savings with a 30% rate discount on your NV Energy bill! Take control of your energy costs and start saving today.

Free Attic

Get free attic insulation and start saving on energy costs today! Upgrade your home and enjoy increased comfort, all at no extra cost to you.

Free Quiet Cool Smart Attic Fans

Upgrade to a Quiet Cool Smart Attic Fan for free! Keep your home cool, comfortable, and energy-efficient without spending a dime.

Radiant Barrier

Upgrade your home with radiant barrier insulation for improved energy efficiency and comfort, at no extra cost!

Free Nest

Get a free Nest Thermostat now! Control your home's energy usage and enjoy increased comfort at no cost.

Free Appliance

Free appliance replacement! Upgrade to energy-efficient appliances and save on energy costs today.

Experience Quality Service with Trisphere Energy

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service to every customer. With our team of experts, you can trust us to provide tailored solutions to meet your energy efficiency needs.

Solar Energy

At Trisphere Energy, we harness the power of the sun to bring you sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions. Living in Nevada, where sunshine is abundant and renewable, we believe in utilizing this natural resource to its fullest potential. That's why we're proud to offer solar energy services at no cost to you. By investing in solar power, not only do you contribute to a cleaner environment, but you also enjoy significant savings on your energy bills. Join us in embracing Nevada's solar potential and start saving with Trisphere Energy today!

Up to 30% Rate Discount On Your NV Energy Bill

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Air Conditioning Repairs and Install
Air Conditioning Repairs and Services
Customizers are Satisfied with our Services

Customer Reviews

What our wonderful customers think about our services.

Thanks to the insulation and attic fan installed by Trisphere Energy, our home feels cozier than ever! We've noticed a significant drop in our electricity bill, which is a fantastic bonus!

Jacob Marshall

We're delighted with the difference the insulation and attic fan have made in our home's comfort level. Not only do we feel more comfortable year-round, but we're also enjoying noticeable savings on our electricity bill.

Stefanie Willson

Since getting our insulation and attic fan upgraded, our home has become a haven of comfort. The temperature stays consistent, and we're thrilled to see the savings on our monthly electricity bill!

Martha Johnson

Our decision to take advantage of this new program has transformed our home dramatically.

Jennifer Davis

Why Choose Us?

Thousands of Nevada homeowners have taken advantage of this new Nevada Energy Home Efficiency program. This program has zero out-of-pocket costs. Home efficiency upgrades for your home include, Free Smart Attic Fans, Blow-In Attic Insulation, Radiant Barrier Insulation, Free Nest Thermostats, and More! The savings on your NV Energy electricity bill is up to 30% off through this program. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to exceptional customer service. From your first contact with Trisphere Energy to the completion of your energy assessment, through facilitation of the entire program, expect nothing but personalized attention and expert guidance. Contact us today and become another satisfied customer who has benefited from our seamless facilitation of this ZERO out-of-pocket cost, energy efficiency program


